Our Services

On the Surface what we do may seem simple, it is however time consuming
and if it isn‘t done properly can leave you exposed.

ABN Checks

  • On sign up of a new contractor out system run an ABN check to ensure it is still current and uses the correct business names
  • On going the system runs periodic checks to ensure the ABN hasn‘t been deregistered

Insurance Checks

  • We maintain a database of the relevant insurance policies depending on a suppliers‘ occupation and state including:
    • Workers‘ Compensation
    • Public Liability
    • Professional Indemnity
  • We visually check the policies to ensure
    • They are the correct type of insurance
    • They are the correct dates
    • They are actually certificates and not just invoices
    • In some cases that they are with reputable insurers


  • Where possible we directly query the state bodies to ensure currency of a suppliers licence and its relevance to their trade
  • Licences that aren‘t accessible directly are requested in the same process as insurance